Their Own Medicine

November 3, 2022

in Law,Politics

In other words, ‘Fight Fire With Fire.’ They try to, “own the libs.” The response should be, “Own the Knuckledraggers.” It’s not a strategy to be proud of but it’s the only one that can pierce those thick skulls.

Democrats need, yes, I said NEED, to contest EVERY election that the MAGA troglodytes, election denying liars, Q-anon trolls and anti-Christian Christian Nationalists win or claim to have won. Put them on the defensive.

Challenge them on any grounds that you can conjure up . . . just the way they have been doing. Then, add in gerrymandering, intimidation, partisan and racial pruning of the voter rolls.

Tie them up in trying to stamp out all of the fires we can create. Design the challenges in ways that require more effort and money to oppose than is spent on making the challenges. Use political ju-jitsu.

Since they are consumed with grasping power and money, we have an advantage. Saving democracy, saving our nation appeals to the idealistic. Yes, there are idealistic lawyers out there that will work their tails off pro bono. There is no idealism on their side – not excepting Rudy and the others that expected Trump to pay them. A challenge from our side can be made for a fraction of what it will cost the anti-Americans.

There should be a way of voiding the wins of any deniers. Is it not strange that they will accept a vote for themselves in an election they claim is rigged?

Those trying to intimidate voters and any others involved in denying voters access to the polls should have their own right to vote and hold political office taken from them. This should apply to anyone designing, or politicians voting for gerrymandered districts.

Please pass this own.

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog and a podcast. I would like to continue being able to afford my daily cup of coffee and pound of caviar.


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