
Fraudulent Voter-in-Chief Caught

May 17, 2020

rump decries voter fraud. Well, he is speaking from first-hand knowledge of the subject. But, can we believe him? Can we believe anything he says? After all, those who are counting say that he has passed 18,000 lies since he took the oath of office. I’m thinking that act might also qualify.

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 3, 2020

anger, Will Robinson Joe Biden, America. Too many Democrats are thinking too small. If they influence Joe Biden to accept their opinion, we could lose an important result, even while Joe wins the election.

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March 16, 2020

his is our leadership for the pandemic practicing “social distancing.” Can you say, awareness? Can you say, self-awareness? Obviously, they are unfamiliar with those terms. Couldn’t they squeeze in any tighter?

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An Alternative?

February 23, 2020

f the Democrats blow it again, the damage Trump, unleashed by the Republican Senate, can do is truly beyond our worst nightmares. The sane part of the electorate will merely try to deal with this loose cannon with a castrated Constitution. It will be like going to an AK-47 fight with BB gun.

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Little Big Man

February 13, 2020

t was already a different presidential campaign. It appeared to be simplifying itself due to the 73 Democrats that dropped out. We were preparing ourselves for a manageable slate of candidates. Then another ego jumped in. Though all are younger than I, several are long in the tooth.

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Who’s the Enemy?

February 11, 2020

on’t ask one of the Democratic candidates. In all likelihood, they will all be pointing at each other. It seems they aren’t familiar with the role they are supposed to play.

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No Second Chance

January 15, 2020

eing older than any of the presidential candidates, I am happy to see one of the kiddies surviving a heart attack. Not only is Bernie surviving, he leads in donations and is surging in the Iowa polls. The heart attack seems to have enhanced his chances in the race for the White House.

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The Invisible Wall

December 29, 2019

ongress has given Trump a few billion dollars for his wall, They gave it reluctantly and not enough for an entire wall, but still, a few billion should be a start. But, does he really want to build it?

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Put Him Out to Pasture

December 28, 2019

t’s time. It’s well past time for the Republicans to act responsibly. Put him out to pasture or put him out of his misery — pick the metaphor you prefer. Whether you like him or loathe him, it’s difficult to deny that Trump has neither the qualifications nor the temperament for nor any comprehension of […]

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Wisdom for the Witless

November 21, 2019

he debate is lost. Is there anyone, other than Trump and his toadies, who doesn’t know to whom this refers? A gilded turd is still a turd. . .

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