The Real Trump Exposed

June 27, 2018

in Politics

Nothing that Trump shows us is authentic. He is a simpleton that inherited lots of money. His incessant boasting of his financial acumen is a sham. An index fund is a type of mutual fund. The portfolio is designed to match the market. It is an automatic, brainless bet. The people who follow such things agree that he would likely have greater wealth had he invested all of his inheritance in an index fund and spent all of his time on the golf course.

Four bankruptcies is not proof of financial genius. Losing with a casino is supposed to be a joke but, like The Donald himself, the joke is now a reality. It cost Jared Kushner’s daddy $2,500,000 to get accepted into Harvard. Given Trump’s academic performance he was rejected by his school of choice, the University of Southern California. So, he stayed closed to home at Fordham, in the Bronx.

Two years at Fordham and a helping hand wallet got him into Wharton. He claimed to have an MBA from Wharton. Either he intentionally lied, or was too stupid to realize that undergraduate schools don’t hand out graduate school degrees. He pestered Obama to show his college transcripts while refusing to produce his own. By the way, Obama was graduated Magna Cum Laude at Harvard’s law school (a graduate school).

Now that we have disposed of any claim to intelligence by the short bus president, let’s take another tack.

There is a truism that the whole cannot be greater than a part. Let’s think about ideologies. They are created by human beings, despite the devotion of some. We might say that communism was created by two people Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Okay, Lenin, Mao and others added a bit to it but Karl and Freddy carried the heavy load.

Their ideology represents only a part of them. Ipso facto, communism cannot be greater than the whole of either or both of them. In that light, it hardly seems something worth dying for, or killing for. However many contributed to socialism, capitalism or any other ism, the point remains. They are less than their creators.

If you and I acquired a property that required some rehabilitation and you asserted that the entire project should be handled with only a hammer, while I insisted that we use only a screwdriver, you would be a hammerist while I would be a screwdriverist and we would both be stupid.

Ideologies are intellectual tools. One intellectual tool is no more universal in its application than one tool purchased from a hardware store. Sometimes, neither a hammer nor a screwdriver is appropriate. Sometimes neither capitalism, nor socialism nor communism has the correct answer. To be a capitalist, a socialist or a communist is as nonsensical as being a hammerist or a screwdriverist.

Though no ideology has all of the answers, every one claims to. That is their appeal. By devoting oneself to an ideology, any ideology, one has no need for thinking. They already have all of the answers. Not so.

Ideologies are a refuge for people who are too intellectually lazy to think for themselves or too intellectually limited.

It may be a surprise to some but human beings are complex entities. Governments, local, state and national are complex entities. International relations are very complex. Simple, simplistic answers are not what we need. Yet, you will need to help me find a leader that acknowledges that and uses ideologies as they should be used. There may be some, I hope.

Back to Trump. He has no ideology; not because he is capable of comprehending the above argument. He has no ideology because, as simplistic as all of them are, they are beyond his intellectual capacity. He operates entirely on whatever random thought pops into his head at that moment or that he hears at that moment. It explains why observers say that he is usually most influenced by the last person who spoke to him.

Is it just me? I am unable to understand the appeal to anyone who values what America has striven to be of the treason, racism, sexism, homophobia, kidnapping of children, pro-Nazi aspects of the administration and the congressional majorities.

It will be a herculean task to make America great again – after we are rid of him.



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