
It’s Getting Lonely

June 3, 2021

guess Trump got tired of winning. He got caught again trying to sneak in another Twitter account. His substitute was to be a blog called, From the Desk of Donald J, Trump. It debuted on the 5th of May. Three days later, traffic had dropped by more than 90%. He pulled the plug after lass […]

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Who Cares?

November 12, 2020

do. Born in Dayton, Tennessee, raised in Chattanooga, spending 20 years traveling the globe, now in Nashville, why would I care about what happens in Georgia? Because I lived long enough in a suburb of Atlanta to serve as commissioner of public works, commissioner of emergency services (fire, police and rescue), councilman, mayor pro tem […]

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Fraudulent Voter-in-Chief Caught

May 17, 2020

rump decries voter fraud. Well, he is speaking from first-hand knowledge of the subject. But, can we believe him? Can we believe anything he says? After all, those who are counting say that he has passed 18,000 lies since he took the oath of office. I’m thinking that act might also qualify.

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Not Again

September 3, 2018

ith only one year of law school, I didn’t get to take the class that teaches lawyers how to ignore the Constitution and the law.

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March 5, 2013

t’s over. Most people didn’t realize there was a war. Is it really a war when only one side fights? They won while we sat around congratulating ourselves on being a part of the “Greatest Country in the World.” Just how is it the “Greatest?” One of every four prisoners in the world are in […]

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Our Goose Is Cooked

February 1, 2012

ow many minutes has it been since you heard someone call this the greatest country in the world? How many seconds? Did you agree? Ooops. Was it you saying that? It used to be arguably true. We got accustomed to telling ourselves it was so. We believed it. Many of us, most of us still […]

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What Caused The Debt?

July 12, 2011

What caused the debt? That sounds like an easy question. Could that be the problem? One would hope that our “leaders” could get their arms around a simple question. Well, apparently we never learn. The short-bus riders on The Hill are pretending to deal with what to do about the debt. It seems logical to […]

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Business Unusual

October 27, 2010

Here I offer you yet another one of my pet peeves. I seem to have a very full treasure trove of them but this ranks high on the list. Government should be run as a business, so they say. One of the problems is that they are so ignorant of government, and possibly of business […]

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Less Is Less

September 1, 2010

Perhaps you’ve heard people complain of the government being too big. It isn’t just that they think smaller government works better. Most express a hatred for the government – their government. They are fortunate not to get their wishes granted. Here is the word of the day for them. dystopia (noun) A vision of a […]

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Size Matters

April 23, 2010

Pew Research has come out with a new poll. I know it’s difficult to believe but people complain of big government. Only 22% feel that big government is acceptable. Would you like to be in that elite group? Would you care to guess where my sympathies lie? I would appreciate you reading this post and […]

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