electoral college

Whose Fault

October 13, 2020

ow would you describe Trump voters?  They can best be described as angry. Angry at what? Angry at who? The easy answer is everything and everyone. That’s niot very helpful though. We need a bit more detailed and focused perspective. That doesn’t mean it will help many of them begin to think rationally.

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 3, 2020

anger, Will Robinson Joe Biden, America. Too many Democrats are thinking too small. If they influence Joe Biden to accept their opinion, we could lose an important result, even while Joe wins the election.

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An Alternative?

February 23, 2020

f the Democrats blow it again, the damage Trump, unleashed by the Republican Senate, can do is truly beyond our worst nightmares. The sane part of the electorate will merely try to deal with this loose cannon with a castrated Constitution. It will be like going to an AK-47 fight with BB gun.

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The Invisible Wall

December 29, 2019

ongress has given Trump a few billion dollars for his wall, They gave it reluctantly and not enough for an entire wall, but still, a few billion should be a start. But, does he really want to build it?

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What Democracy?

January 24, 2019

hear complaints that “they” are destroying our constitutional democracy. Are they really? Is there a democracy to destroy? I want one. You want one. As there is none, we will have to create one.

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