Supreme Liars

May 6, 2022

in Whatever

Forcing your unwanted desires upon women is called rape.

Most of you likely think you are citizens of the United States. I apologize but it’s necessary for me to disabuse you of that mistake. Less than one percent of the population qualify as citizens. The rest of us, the rabble, are mere subjects. There is a difference . . . a major difference.

While I’m at it, I probably should clear up another misconception. I know there is a document called the “Constitution” and another called the “Bill of Rights.” Most likely, you were told by your teachers and continue to be told by the parasites that you have rights. Sorry. That’s just a political palliative — something to help you avoid the painful reality. If you think I am off base, the following video should help clear up the matter. It’s by the late, great George Carlin, the one who provided us with the seven words that are verboten on radio and television.

Everyone is saying that the Supremes are taking away the right to have an abortion. I have a slightly different take on that. They intend to vitiate the Roe v. Wade decision but, though partially based on the Constitution, it is not the Constitution. If the Constitution has any validity or value, the right to an abortion has not been eliminated. Roe was based partially on the right of privacy. Roe didn’t necessarily protect ones privacy during the first trimester but it did provide a benefit during that period. It ignored that right thereafter.

Samuel Alito’s justification for overturning Roe is that legal abortion is not deeply rooted in our system. Apparently, half a century isn’t enough. Slavery is deeply rooted in this country. Deprivation of women’s right is deeply rooted. SCOTUS membership being restricted to white, Christian men is deeply rooted. Genocide of Native Americans is deeply rooted. He quotes the Englishman from the 17th Century that wrote the laws for the burning of witches. Sammy pretends to have a grasp of history. Pretends.

You can’t find that right listed in either the Bill of Rights or the other amendments? Over the years, the courts have recognized that several other, enumerated, rights would not be functional without the implied right of privacy, namely, the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 14th. It is a relatively easy argument that privacy is the most pervasive and even most important right. Justice Louis Brandeis called it “the right to be left alone.”

Of course, the fact that you have no actual rights is a consideration. I thought about entitling this article The Supremely Ignorant Liars. Ignorant simply means not knowing. It’s possible that these five parasites are ignorant of the Constitution. Or, it may be beyond their capacity to understand it. Or, they may just not give a crap. Or, it could be a combination of the foregoing factors.

Another possibility for the title would be Supreme Rapists.

When a state joins the union, it guarantees that it will honor, defend and obey the Constitution. Likewise, all government employees and officials swear to abide by and defend the Constitution. That being a requirement, how do states arrogate to themselves the “right” to ignore, alter or restrict the Constitution? The Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution is what it says it is. However flawed Roe is, no state has the right to restrict it further than the Court itself has restricted it.

Abortion is not the only issue on which several states have gone beyond their authority. An important one is the right to vote. Any state that violates or restricts the right of its people to vote should be denied all federal funding. Those funds could be used to feed the poor and eliminate student debt. Those and healthcare should be managed in such a way as to eliminate state involvement. The states refusing to abide by the Constitution are, for the most part, those receiving more federal funding than they pay in taxes.

Each of the five members of the Court (please don’t call them justices) that want to overturn Roe are liars. They swore under oath to the Senate committee that Roe was established law an that they had no intention of getting rid of Roe. They also made that claim to other members of the Senate. THEY LIED. That constitutes a crime. It’s known as perjury. What happens if you commit perjury? Most likely you have a criminal record. These parasites were rewarded with lifetime jobs. Why will they not serve time? Because they are special. They are elite. They are not rabble. They are citizens.

If those liars are not held to account, why should anyone feel obligated to respond truthfully to that committee? That also obtains for every other congressional committee. The conclusion is obvious. Congressional hearings are of no value. Other than being a political show, an opportunity for members to get publicity, they are a waste of time. They might as well be eliminated.

Lifetime jobs and immunity from the law. The first was written on a piece of parchment. The second is the result of the power of the elite to misbehave as they wish, without penalty.

My voice is not loud enough to effect the outcome of the Court’s mistake. I would hope that some (all) of you would send this to your friends, family, news outlets and politicians. I am more than happy to allow this article to be distributed with or without attribution. Use extracts or rewrites. Whether you agree with me or not, the decision of the Court puts every “right” at risk.

The most quoted poll on the subject of Roe shows only 19% of the country supports trashing Roe. So much for democracy, rights and prosecution of criminals.

My book, Roe v. Nonsense, provides a fuller discussion of this topic. Just click on the picture of the book in the righthand column. At 47 pages, it’s a quick read. I wanted to offer it for free permanently but that’s not the way Jeff Bezos rolls. The ebook version will set you back 99 cents. The ebook is only available in Kindle but Amazon provides free apps for every operating system.

Thank you,



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