Of, By and For

October 21, 2020

in Politics


What does skulduggery mean to you? One dictionary has it as dishonest, underhanded behavior. To what does of, by and for refer to for you? If you say that it references the Constitution; if you say that it means that this country, our government was created of, by and for the people, you are an American – probably a Democrat.

Trump and his toadies think that they have a way to overturn the likely outcome of the election. If they can involve their 6-3 majority in the Supreme Court they will try, despite the fact that the Constitution provides no role for that once honored institution. Yes, the Court’s involvement in the election of 2000 was unconstitutional.

No, they think they have found another way.  First, they dispute the results of the election in one or more states. That is intended to challenge the declaration of the Electoral College and send the question to the House of Representatives. So? The majority of that body is Democratic. But, that makes no nevermind. The procedure in the House is to vote on the question with each state having one vote. While the population of California is nearly 60 times that of Wyoming, their votes carry equal weight.

The Republicans control the legislatures of 26 states. The Democrats control the legislatures of 22 states. The legislatures of Michigan and Pennsylvania are equally divided. Those 26 legislatures can ignore the wishes of the people, of, by and for whom the government was instituted. That is, they can if they still hold those majorities after the state-wide elections. The new Congress is the one that makes the decision. It’s not a matter that Trump or McConnell can play games with.

Can the Democrats flip enough state legislatures? It’s an uphill slog. If they can’t, the outcome depends entirely upon the sense of decency and regard for the people of Republicans in several state legislatures. It has been ages since a sense of decency and regard for the people was a given among those so affiliated.

However much of a longshot the Democrats have of flipping the necessary number of legislatures, the odds of the Republicans honoring their putative devotion to the Constitution and the people are even longer.

Get out the vote!

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog.

Many thanks,

Crawford Harris.


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