Just In Case . . .

August 8, 2021

in Politics

Disabled Trump

Just in case you harbored any doubts as to my opinion of the Orange Disaster, permit me to make that as unambiguous as the English language and my acquaintance with it allow. I see others on television and the Internet dealing with this in various ways. Some refuse to voice his name. Some resort to the scatological. I understand. I share their frustration. My hope is that this might be, to some degree, cathartic. Some have referred to him as the Orange Turd. I beg to differ. Orange Fart would be more apt. A fart is just as odiferous but without the substance of a turd.

You’ve seen the above picture before. He’s mocking a disabled reporter. This from one who faked a disability to avoid military service. He is an unspeakable piece of something that needs to be flushed. Do his toadies think he cares any more about them? Are those who voted for this moron any better?

Having been a foreign correspondent, I likely pay a bit more attention to the foreign media than most. Now, as an octogenarian, my days of roaming abroad are in the past. Thankfully, I now need not have to deal with the embarrassment of having to admit to being an American. Take a wild guess as to the basis of such shame. The rest of the world, both leaders and the public at large, see our dear leader as a clown and/or a moron and/or a dangerous loose cannon.





This pitiful semiliterate has, hopefully, failed to irreparably harm our nation. However, that is still in question. How could anyone support a guy that thinks the Continental Army took over airports, or that the Star Spangled Banner was connected to the Revolution, rather than to the War of 1812? That short speech is rife with more errors than the numbers when he steps on to a scale.

When millions believe one who claims that the cure for Covid is a glass of Clorox and they plant microchips in the vaccine, can our education system sink any lower?

There likely is insufficient bandwidth to relate all of the his lies. He rivals Woodrow Wilson for most racist president. He wrote love letters to enemy dictators and severely damaged our relations with our allies.

How do I loathe thee? The number is probably higher than the number of dollars he owes foreign banks,

The following is a little ditty that confirms my position but in a far more entertaining way.


If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog. I would like to continue being able to afford my daily cup of coffee and pound of caviar.



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