Getting to Know You

October 6, 2020

in Law,Politics,Religion

Find the Christian

Two Fake Christians. There is no need to explain how Trump displays his complete disassociation with Christianity. We know him. However, Amy Coney Barrett is a new arrival on the scene for most Americans. Permit me to introduce this judicial nightmare. As Trump might say, she’s a doozy. It’s just not in the way he means.

This woman, in a time of demands for long overdue gender equality, claims that we should use the bible as our guide. She specifically mentioned that the husband should rule the wife. The woman should follow and obey. After all, she’s an originalist and women are merely property. The authors of that perspective are the same ones that knew the Earth is flat  and that the sun and moon revolve around the Earth. I wonder how she justifies to herself having a job outside of her husband’s house.

While she advocates against the right of women to have control over her own body and considers birth control a sin, she claims those to be the fiats of the one she holds responsible for the greatest number of abortions, ever — by far. Of the millions of women drowned by the flood, an uncountable number of them would have been pregnant. After all, getting and staying pregnant was a woman’s primary duty to her husband and his family.

Even though she and those of her ilk spout off about the sanctity of life, that seems to include only prenatal life. How many of them protest the death penalty? She supports elimination of public healthcare. She ignores that fact that more women have died and will die from alley abortions and that poor women and their children will suffer and die unnecessarily without medical care.  But, they have already been born, so it’s okay for them to die.

There is a disconnect. While she proudly, publicly proclaims that she is a Christian, she simultaneously belongs to a group that calls itself the People of Praise. This almost secret organization is among the furthest conservative group who call themselves Christian. Why not proudly and publicly a member of this group? Former members speak of the subjugation of women by the group. It would be easy to characterize female members of this group as masochists.

The estimated membership is 1,800. But Amy Coney Barrett was more than just a member. For a time, she lived in the household of one of the co-founders.

Is this a person who should be considered for any governmental position? She lacks respect for the majority of the population, i.e., females. She has no concern for anyone, male or female, young or old, unless perhaps they can afford private medical care. She says Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance and a host of other government programs are unconstitutional — as if she would know.

Are any of her desired policies in tune with the Jesus portrayed in the bible?

As a claimed Constitutional originalist, she has no actual understanding of the history of the Constitution or those that promulgated it. Not a single signer was entirely happy with all of the compromises that make up that document. All wanted changes. They wrote into that document the ways that it could be changed. In other words, they made a part of the Constitution ways to make parts or all of it unoriginal.

Why should she, a female, be willing to take a seat on the Supreme Court, where she will be in a position, as a female, to require men to behave according to her beliefs? For some strange reason the word hypocrisy insistently comes to mind.

Do you recall that self-proclaimed intellectual of the Court? If not, here is a link to an article I posted while Antoni Scalia was still polluting our “justice” system. This nominee of Trump, the most disrespectful president of the Constitution in history, was a clerk for Scalia and has been generally described as to the right of even him.

There are crucial, decisive reasons for various cohorts of voters to oppose this woman’s appointment. Are you a real Christian? Her version condones cruelty and blesses the wealthy parasites that despise the ones Jesus called blessed. Do you respect the Constitution? She doesn’t agree with you. Do you understand the Constitution? The signers would not understand her perspective. Do you actually care about people’s lives and health? She has sympathy only for those with private insurance.

I, as the overwhelming majority of the people, am not happy with the games the GOP is playing to stack the Court. However, it took just a little research to discover that this nomination should never happen at any time under any circumstances.

Just one more comment. I have trouble with the part of the Constitution that provides a lifetime position for judges. I understand the reason. It was to insulate the courts from political influence. Does anyone today think that the courts are unaffected by politics? She would have to be on the Court almost 40 years to reach the age of Justice Ginsburg, who she would replace. With each generation of voters being more to the left than their predecessors, It will not take too long for any composition of the judiciary, from SCOTUS on down, to be out of step with the people, which is a significant part of the government that it is supposedly of, by and for.

Such a division between the people and the government creates a societal stress, which guarantees a lack of trust and confidence in the government. It guarantees an unhappy society.

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog.

Many thanks,

Crawford Harris.


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