Get a Job

November 28, 2020

in Economics,Politics

Uber Eats

Statistics lie. Politicians use those statistics to lie. Get a job? First, there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Next, few of the jobs that are available to most people pay a livable wage. I presume you would prefer to live.

Well, maybe they’ll bring back those jobs that went overseas. Stop dreaming, unless you want to work for $2 a day. And, does anyone think they will scrap all of those automation machines. Automation will grow ever faster.

As  the video below emphasizes, this is all happening in the richest country in the world. Sharing less of the wealth than any other developed country is happening because the one percent care more about their checkbooks than about us — or the U.S.



Below is a video of George Carlin at his rawest. What he says in the video is important BUT the way he says it will be offensive to some and the language he uses is not for those with tender ears. Either watch it or don’t but I felt that some people would appreciate it. Just don’t watch it and blame me. Blame him but he may not receive his emails immediately, since he passed on in 2008.

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog.

Many thanks,

Crawford Harris.



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