Birds of a Feather

January 27, 2021

in My Seat,Politics

Vultures are appropriate representatives for the overwhelming number of politicians and others calling themselves Republicans. Vultures don’t put themselves in jeopardy by killing their own prey. They wait for others to do their dirty work. Although vultures come in a variety of colors, they congregate with others of like color, much like Republicans. I don’t think there are any white vultures, so perhaps none of them think of themselves as superior or supreme.

Though all of these cowards took the same oath to the Constitution as do members of our armed forces, while the later are courageous enough to make that oath knowing they may face their own demise, the Republican pols are too cowardly to risk the perks and power of their positions, which they consider their seats, rather than the people’s. Almost all of them are still afraid of the big orange wolf.

If you and I sat down to play our first ever game of poker, still, one of us would win. Does that make the winner an expert poker player? Hardly. Many of those Republican politicians beat a Democrat, not because they were adroit politicians. They won because they were in a state or district that was reliably Red. So, many, probably most, have little political expertise.

It is understandable that they are making a critical mistake in their assessment of what is in their own political interest.

It appears that a significant segment of Trump’s most aggressive toadies are now angry with him for lying to them that Biden would not be president and meekly calling off the dogs when they thought they were taking the Capitol. By losing his most aggressive sycophants, whether to disillusionment or prison, it is unlikely a more competent, more successful group will take over the reins. Also, the Democrats have 4 years to educate those who naively supported a president that worked for the plutocrats, not them.

Regaining the presidency is not Trump’s primary goal. He loves the sense of power he has over the plebeians  who he mocks in private, he loves money even more. By running again, either as a Republican or as a 3rd-party candidate, he can get the dummies to donate many millions of dollars. His ‘nothing-burger’ son-in-law put together an organization to siphon off as much as half of those donations in the past campaign. Remember that although more than a billion dollars was raised, his campaign was critically short of funds as the close drew near. Some sources have estimated the amount that was diverted was in the neighborhood of $600 million. I can’t verify that. I don’t live in that neighborhood.

As Trump is no longer fond of Fox and some other high-profile Republicans (think Bill Barr, et al,), he is likely to start a rival media outlet. Whether that happens or not he is likely to be unable to get the nomination next time. He will still want those donations rolling in, so the obvious path for him will be as a 3rd-party candidate. I think it unlikely that he will draw many Democrats to that banner. It would decimate the GOP.

These political cowards would be his partner in that outcome.

Those Republican politicians can avoid the problem of Trump confusing and splitting the party or killing it by running as a 3rd-party candidate. How?

Trump can be denied the opportunity to ever run in a federal race for anything. It just takes a simple majority vote of the Senate. The catch? That vote can only be taken upon conviction on the charges of impeachment. No campaign — no draining of votes or donations from the Republican candidates.

The problems, both real and potential, and the solution should be obvious even to the dullards we call Republicans. I don’t think I can state it in any simpler terms.

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog. I would like to continue being able to afford my daily cup of coffee and pound of caviar.

Thank you,

Crawford Harris.



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