Banana Republic of Trump

January 6, 2021

in International,Law,Politics

Trump's Traitors

America Humiliated

The carrying or wearing of the American flag is insufficient camouflage for traitors/racists. It is tragedy that even this group of perhaps 2,000 people at most can be so gullible as to believe that a petulant, semiliterate sociopath cares about them or this country. Even more amazing is that this idiocy has infected more than 70 million people.

That mob is composed of people who have no regard for our Constitution or the sacrifices made over the past couple of centuries or the will of the majority. Their Pied Piper not only earned the most votes ever against anyone running for political office in this country buy also lost by the largest popular vote margin in history.

Why am I not surprised? Four years ago this month, Trump stood on those same steps and spoke of “American carnage.” That was not some offhand remark by someone with an uncontrolled mouth. It was scripted.

While Donald J. Traitor cowered incommunicado in the White House after publicly urging these simpletons to attack the Congress, the president-elect correctly termed this an insurrection. However, Biden pulled his punch saying this bordered on sedition. It absolutely qualifies as sedition. The actions of Trump, his coterie of incompetents and several members of Congress also fall under the definition of sedition.

Many Democratic politicians and even a handful of Republican politicians have publicly called for immediate impeachment. It is unlikely to happen but it should. The primary benefit would be to ban him from ever running for federal office again. That would take all of the steam out of his dream of running again in 2024. No, there is no reason to expect him to discover reality, but it might end the rallies and fund-raising. Just an aside, the report is that this family of grifters has diverted at least $600 million from campaign funds into their own coffers.

I spent a great deal of my life in the field of international relations, as a foreign correspondent and in other capacities. That was way back when America was a leader, was respected. Much of that has been lost in recent times but people around the world are watching the same television feeds that we are. Can Biden or anyone else repair the damage? The answer is not clear. China covets our position and is playing a fairly strong hand with much greater competence than we have demonstrated.

Trump finally appeared on television to ask the rioters to disperse. But, true to form, he spent more time and verbiage on how the election was stolen. The mob failed to respond. He spent far more time urging the violence than asking for restraint.

Given the lies and behavior these past several years, no one should still believe he cares about anyone other than himself. Every one should accept that he has done far more harm to this country than any other president. That is particularly true of every Republican politician, Even Louie Gohmert and Ted Cruz.

McConnell made a high-minded speech to the Senate about accepting the results of the election and correctly noting that the Congress had no right or role in deciding the results. However, he and others made today’s events possible, if not likely by refusing to admit that Little Donny lost. That just gave his cancerous ego a couple of months to disintegrate, to molder. Then there are plenty of suspects in the failure to plan for the expected turmoil. Such incompetence should not be ignored.

It is unlikely that I have adequately expressed the jeopardy into which Trump has placed this nation. My apologies. If a couple of thousand knuckle-draggers can be this disruptive of the stability of our government,  a significant portion of our defense and homeland security budgets have been misallocated.

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog. I would like to continue being able to afford my daily cup of coffee and pound of caviar.

Many thanks,

Crawford Harris.


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