
Of, By and For

October 21, 2020

hat does skulduggery mean to you? One dictionary has it as dishonest, underhanded behavior. To what does of, by and for refer to for you? If you say that it references the Constitution; if you say that it means that this country, our government was created of, by and for the people, you are an […]

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 3, 2020

anger, Will Robinson Joe Biden, America. Too many Democrats are thinking too small. If they influence Joe Biden to accept their opinion, we could lose an important result, even while Joe wins the election.

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The Reagan Voodoo Legacy

March 21, 2015

irst, a few warnings. This article is on economics, the justly termed ‘dismal science.’ True, it’s not all that entertaining but it is worthwhile. It is my longest post ever, 4 to 5 times as long as usual. Still, it merits everyone’s attention. Lastly, I didn’t write it. Aaah. My apologies. It is a cut-and-paste […]

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Imagination At Work

April 1, 2011

I pay more taxes than General Electric. You pay more taxes than General Electric. Technically, they pay more, just not to the United States Government. For some reason, though the bulk of their business income comes from this country, they always seem to lose money here and make tremendous profits overseas. Why didn’t TurboTax do […]

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Back To Basics

March 17, 2011

Many teachers and union representatives became upset when I would first advise giving up tenure. It was necessary to explain or suffer a fate worse than death. Remember, my wife is a retired teacher. Their understanding of what tenure used to be, and should continue to be, was incomplete. It was necessary to give them […]

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May 18, 2010

No. I didn’t forget how to spell capitalism. It’s just that all economies outside of Somalia involve the government. They do so in a variety of ways, with a variety of outcomes. Jon Stewart recently had a guest on the Daily Show. I like Jon but he was taken in by a shill for Wall […]

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I’m Back!

June 8, 2009

Yeah. At least as scary a thought of Jack Nicholson being back is my return. Your luck has run out. My little vacation is over. I did try to write a post while on my trip. I was able to squeeze in a bit of writing but was too busy sampling regional cuisines to complete […]

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