
The Moscow Midget Miscalculates

February 26, 2022

he first order of business is to use the correct name for the military action that is dominating the news. It is not the Ukrainian War. It is not the Invasion of the Ukraine. It is not the Russian attack on the Ukraine. It is the desire of one psychopath for fulfilling his anachronistic fantasy. […]

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Gun Crazy

June 15, 2016

et’s call them what they actually are, not what they call themselves. They call themselves patriots but hate the government and most of their fellow Americans. They claim allegiance to the Constitution but misread the 2nd Amendment and oppose much of the rest. They want to take back their country from the rest of us. […]

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Too Big To Care

November 1, 2011

Do you know which company is the world’s largest health care corporation? Care to guess? Aw, go on. You know the answer. Time’s up. It’s Johnson & Johnson, with a logo that often includes the words, Family of Companies. Oh, doesn’t that make them sound so cozy? Maybe they should ‘incorporate’ a teddy bear with […]

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December 8, 2010

One is not innocent until proven guilty. One is presumed innocent until proven guilty. At least that’s the way it is supposed to be. When it comes to Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange, however, the powers that be are doing everything possible to engender the presumption of guilt. Joe Lieberman, in an apparent attempt to appear […]

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Looking For Something?

August 25, 2009

It appears that the regulars are coming to the site with some frequency to laugh at my latest opinions. It has been a few days without your almost daily dose. I aim at one every three days. Sometimes I achieve that. Sometimes I don’t. I am a bit off schedule right now. My apologies. Retirement […]

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