
God Is Hate

April 20, 2014

eally? God is hate? If you believe that these Republican leaders and their toadies are Christians, then one can draw no other conclusion. As a child I heard that people fear what they do not understand. It appears that Republicans have conflated fear with hate. It is the easiest strategy for appealing to bigots, racists, […]

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He Should Know Better

April 22, 2009

President Obama should know better. I am certain that he does know better. Did he forget that he was a professor of Constitutional Law? Did he forget the proper relationship of the Department of Justice to the Oval Office? The President has his own legal counsel just down the hallway in the West Wing. The […]

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When Will They Ever Learn?

January 20, 2009

Okay, boys and girls. The lesson for today is that, as former VP Dan Quayle reminded us, a head is a terrible thing to lose. Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan may be personally nice people. They may be more or less intelligent. They are not well informed. On a recent edition of the MSNBC show […]

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