
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

July 28, 2011

It’s about time someone got serious. It obviously isn’t going to be anyone inside the Beltway. The politicians consider their careers and their juvenile ideologies more important than the well-being of the nation and its people. Why are we not blanketing this country with recall petitions. Why are we not exhibiting a similar, reciprocal disdain […]

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The Book Of Jobs

June 11, 2011

Maybe not you, maybe not me, but tens of millions of people need jobs. It’s not just them that suffer from the lack of a job. Most have families. It isn’t even limited to them. It affects the entire economy. That means it affects you and me. Foreclosures mean the Great Recession lasts longer. More […]

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Less Is Less

September 1, 2010

Perhaps you’ve heard people complain of the government being too big. It isn’t just that they think smaller government works better. Most express a hatred for the government – their government. They are fortunate not to get their wishes granted. Here is the word of the day for them. dystopia (noun) A vision of a […]

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