
How To Win

October 4, 2012

itt won the first debate. Truth lost. America lost. People lie for various reasons. Sometimes it’s to spare someone’s feelings. Sometimes it’s for reasons far less noble. Everyone does it occasionally. Some do it so much that others know not to put trust in anything they say. Then you have people who get away with it. […]

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Money Talks

March 28, 2012

s money speech? The Money Court says it is. I’m becoming a believer. The deference shown by the Court to those with money was clear with that brilliant joke known as the Citizens United decision. Today, Roberts and Alito provided further evidence that money is more important than people. I really didn’t think we needed […]

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The Wrong Lessons

November 5, 2010

The Democrats will learn the wrong lessons from the election. The Republicans will learn the wrong lessons from the election. How can I say that? Because of the truth embodied in the old saw, garbage in, garbage out. The bulk of the society has decided that what they want to be facts really are facts. […]

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Silly Suit

March 23, 2010

Thirteen states have filed a lawsuit claiming that the healthcare bill is unconstitutional. Will they win or are they just wasting taxpayers money in an attempt to look good to their political bases? If you guessed the later, you didn’t require anyone to read this to you. Given that we have five Supremes who can’t […]

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One Possible Scenario

October 5, 2009

This is not a prediction. It is only what I see as an optimistic scenario. What’s going to happen with healthcare reform in Congress? Your guess is as good as mine. Because there is no leadership, no one knows what the outcome will be. We do know a few things, however. Since it was given […]

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It Ain’t That Complicated

September 18, 2009

Change. Change? What change? How about some meaningful change? Three issues are at the top of the agenda. They share a commonality. They are healthcare, the economic crisis and the impending decision by the Supreme Court on Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission. The commonality they share is the usurpation of power by corporations […]

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