political science

Listen To Me

December 4, 2010

The revelations by Wikileaks point for me to a personal nexus. Because of this, I ask you to trust me; to trust my take on this entire brouhaha. It’s easy to go with the overwhelming push by the government, the media, the powers that be. If one side is all you have ever heard, it […]

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Can We Cut A Few Strings?

March 22, 2010

It happens to everyone. My personal life and other commitments have intruded upon the time I have had to devote to this blog for the past few weeks. There has been an almost constant string of matters hitting me at an accelerated pace. There have been funerals and visiting friends in the hospital. That is […]

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From My Armchair

December 2, 2009

In a very busy schedule I devote some time and effort to a blog for which I receive no monetary remuneration. Why? I have a degree of knowledge and experience in some of these areas. My intent is to share the resulting, hard won perceptions on matters I consider important. Others have different backgrounds and […]

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