

September 18, 2012

t’s not often that “you people” get to eavesdrop on one of the elite expressing the contempt the elite has for Mr. John Q. Public. Mitt Romney and his audience of millionaire donors consider 47% of your fellow Americans to be worthless bums. It is a pitiful state of affairs when these plutocrats have so […]

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The Untouchables

February 21, 2011

I went to search for some images of the untouchables of India.What appeared was almost entirely from the television show and the movie loosely based on Eliot Ness and his homies. Is it possible we aren’t all that aware of the rest of the world? The word untouchables is applied to the crew of Ness […]

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How To Lose

November 3, 2010

There are a few truisms in politics. It is obvious that the Democrats have yet to learn them. It appears necessary to take them back for a review of PoliSci 101. Any nationwide election is multifaceted. This one was especially so. That means both the mistakes and correctives are many. I can cover them all but most […]

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Class Warfare

October 15, 2010

Yes, class warfare has been waged against those of the middle class and the poor for decades. No, the middle class and poor have not been fighting back, at least not yet. I am suggesting a new and different strategy for at least the first significant counterattack. The plutocrats have handed us the weapon we […]

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The Wrong Idea

April 15, 2010

First, let me reiterate my detestation for all ideologies and labels. To the extent that I use them in this post, it seems necessary and is for the convenience of the reader. The imminent retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens highlights the problems caused by both. Stevens is commonly referred to as the most liberal […]

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We Never Listen

April 7, 2010

Some readers may have skipped the Classics. Some may just have memory problems associated with age. That I can identify with. Ms. Cassandra’s beauty caught the eye of Apollo. He gave her the gift of knowing the future. She spurned Mr. Apollo, so he cursed her. Her predictions were to be ignored. Obviously she is […]

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Mourning For America

August 10, 2009

America is the greatest country in the world. I grew up hearing that and I used to believe it. I still hear people saying it. Is it true? What did people mean when they made that claim? What does it mean now? Are people now just saying it out of habit? What criteria are they […]

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