
Too Big To Care

November 1, 2011

Do you know which company is the world’s largest health care corporation? Care to guess? Aw, go on. You know the answer. Time’s up. It’s Johnson & Johnson, with a logo that often includes the words, Family of Companies. Oh, doesn’t that make them sound so cozy? Maybe they should ‘incorporate’ a teddy bear with […]

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Says Who?

December 1, 2009

I saw thousands of sheep on my recent trip to the Highlands of Scotland. Most were just grazing on the hillsides. A few were being herded, by border collies, men or both. If I had more time I would have stopped and asked them if they really wanted to be herded to the slaughterhouse. They, […]

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Prostituting Justice

June 15, 2009

They are arguing the inarguable. The Regressives in Washington are arguing an issue that should have been settled during the Truman Administration. Had we instituted a national healthcare system based on a single-payer, we would now be without a national debt. This would be true even if all the wasteful spending on the military and […]

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Here Come De . . . Doctor?

July 14, 2008

Having been treated by at least 28 physicians and surgeons in the past three to four years, the subject is close to my heart, and my spine, and my artificial hip, and, and, and. Some are absolutely wonderful but 50 percent of all medical students were graduated in the lower half of their class. Not […]

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