

March 16, 2020

his is our leadership for the pandemic practicing “social distancing.” Can you say, awareness? Can you say, self-awareness? Obviously, they are unfamiliar with those terms. Couldn’t they squeeze in any tighter?

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Quack, Quack

November 16, 2009

You have been sold down the river. So have we all. We need to differentiate between healthcare reform and tinkering with health insurance. Yes, there is a difference. The entire burlesque these past few months has revolved around the tinkering. A handful of congressmen offered HR 676, Medicare-For-All. That represents reform. All of the rest […]

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Take Two Aspirin

June 20, 2009

The President has a headache. His healthcare reform is in trouble. He can’t even get a bipartisan agreement that Dr. Seuss ate green eggs and ham. Two noted health reporters, the Washington Post‘s Ezra Klein and Jonathan Cohn of The New Republic, this week had major articles marking the difficulties the President’s reform was running […]

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