
Business As Usual

February 19, 2023

oogle train wrecks, then click on images. You will not see pictures of every train wreck but you will see more pictures of train wrecks than enough. Train wrecks are not all that uncommon. We call them accidents but are they?

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 3, 2020

anger, Will Robinson Joe Biden, America. Too many Democrats are thinking too small. If they influence Joe Biden to accept their opinion, we could lose an important result, even while Joe wins the election.

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The Differences?

April 5, 2014

Afghanistan Conservatives’ Goals = American Republicans’ Goals here are two areas where I find the lines blurred. One is in the national/international arena. The other is closer to home. You likely have heard about the first ones. I hope you have been spared the later.

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Keeping House

March 27, 2012

ow do I do it? Is it just another demonstration of my wisdom or, possibly, just dumb luck? Please keep your opinion to yourself. If you didn’t read my article from the 27th of September 2010 or have forgotten it, It would be a good preface to this post. To go there click on the […]

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Imagination At Work

April 1, 2011

I pay more taxes than General Electric. You pay more taxes than General Electric. Technically, they pay more, just not to the United States Government. For some reason, though the bulk of their business income comes from this country, they always seem to lose money here and make tremendous profits overseas. Why didn’t TurboTax do […]

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Back To Basics

March 17, 2011

Many teachers and union representatives became upset when I would first advise giving up tenure. It was necessary to explain or suffer a fate worse than death. Remember, my wife is a retired teacher. Their understanding of what tenure used to be, and should continue to be, was incomplete. It was necessary to give them […]

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Joe, the Wannabe Plumber

October 18, 2008

On David Letterman’s show Thursday night John McCain apologized to Joe the Plumber for destroying his privacy. That was nice. Out on the campaign trail the next day John McCain (yes, the very same one) went on a rant about how terrible it was that Barack Obama had violated Joe’s privacy. That wasn’t nice. Then […]

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