
Many Problems, One Response

July 9, 2012

s a kid (child) I often saw my grandmother cut off the head of a chicken, then let it run around for a couple of minutes before hanging it on the clothesline by its feet to drain the blood. Initially, it was funny. As I grew older, it became much less amusing. Now it is […]

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February 18, 2012

ou probably think that the most appropriate symbol for America is the flag, the bald eagle. the Liberty Bell or the greenback. Wrong. That’s America’s symbol, right there. The contented cow. It exhibits itself as contentedness but I suspect it is based largely on complacency and the laziness engendered to a great extend by the automobile, […]

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You Are The Enemy

January 29, 2012

es, you. You are the enemy. Actually, it’s not you. It’s nothing personal. It’s your attempts to exercize those Constitutional rights you used to have. With me, it is personal. I was once a commissioner of police. One of my grandfathers was a sheriff; the other was a chief of police. In tracing my ancestry […]

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