military industrial complex

Zero Tolerance For Those With Zero Intelligence

June 20, 2018

ure, there are a few things, racism, bullying and such where zero tolerance is appropriate. But, it should be obvious that those areas all concern not mistreating others.

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All Fall Down

February 17, 2011

President Eisenhower, in his farewell address, warned us of the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Was he right? The US spends more on “defense” than all other countries combined. According to official reports from 2003 and 2005, we have 737 military bases in 63 countries outside of the US and its territories. This is intentionally […]

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Says Who?

December 1, 2009

I saw thousands of sheep on my recent trip to the Highlands of Scotland. Most were just grazing on the hillsides. A few were being herded, by border collies, men or both. If I had more time I would have stopped and asked them if they really wanted to be herded to the slaughterhouse. They, […]

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