
An Alternative?

February 23, 2020

f the Democrats blow it again, the damage Trump, unleashed by the Republican Senate, can do is truly beyond our worst nightmares. The sane part of the electorate will merely try to deal with this loose cannon with a castrated Constitution. It will be like going to an AK-47 fight with BB gun.

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Little Big Man

February 13, 2020

t was already a different presidential campaign. It appeared to be simplifying itself due to the 73 Democrats that dropped out. We were preparing ourselves for a manageable slate of candidates. Then another ego jumped in. Though all are younger than I, several are long in the tooth.

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Reach for the Stars

July 31, 2019

here were several moments in the first night of the second set of debates that deserve comment, but one stuck out for me. The overall course was the moderates attacking Senators Warren and Sanders. Senator Warren responded by saying, I don’t understand why anybody would go to the trouble of running for president of the […]

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