
Nine Dunces

June 28, 2012

n making speeches, the rule is to begin with a joke. No. I won’t be relying on the old standbys, Thomas and Scalia for this initial one. Kennedy wrote the opinion for the losers minority. And I quote, “In our view it must follow that the entire statute is inoperative.” They are saying that the […]

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The Wrong Lessons

November 5, 2010

The Democrats will learn the wrong lessons from the election. The Republicans will learn the wrong lessons from the election. How can I say that? Because of the truth embodied in the old saw, garbage in, garbage out. The bulk of the society has decided that what they want to be facts really are facts. […]

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January 2, 2010

I‘m afraid we need to get back to basics. One would think that people understood insurance. There are many valid complaints concerning “healthcare reform.” Those focused on insurance are not among them. That doesn’t stop them from complaining. Some complain for political reasons. Others complain because they don’t understand what insurance is, how it works […]

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