
Isms Are Dangerous

September 15, 2018

veryone uses labels. Most even label themselves. The problem is that almost no one can define those labels correctly. Some, not all, but some economists can correctly define those common words. I have yet to find a political scientist that can accomplish that task.

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How To Lose

November 3, 2010

There are a few truisms in politics. It is obvious that the Democrats have yet to learn them. It appears necessary to take them back for a review of PoliSci 101. Any nationwide election is multifaceted. This one was especially so. That means both the mistakes and correctives are many. I can cover them all but most […]

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The Wrong Idea

April 15, 2010

First, let me reiterate my detestation for all ideologies and labels. To the extent that I use them in this post, it seems necessary and is for the convenience of the reader. The imminent retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens highlights the problems caused by both. Stevens is commonly referred to as the most liberal […]

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