
A Falling Tsar

December 2, 2014

antasies rarely come true. Putin’s is becoming a nightmare for the Russian people. Perhaps Vladimir would be well-advised to find a copy of Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass. The pieces of Humpty Dumpty cannot be put together again. The pieces of the Russian Empire cannot be put together again. The pieces of the Soviet Union […]

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Keystone XL Redux

March 10, 2012

try to keep my readers abreast of what’s really going on. Occasionally, I can steal the beat on the major media. Check out last week’s article at Unnatural Gas. This is an article from the web site of the Christian Science Monitor. They no longer publish a dead tree version but, back when I was […]

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Unnatural Gas

March 2, 2012

any of the statements about the availability and costs of gasoline share a similar odor with the gas that is one of the favorite subjects for the jokes of middle school boys. In both cases the sounds come from the same orifice. It’s almost impossible to find a discussion of differences on this issue where either […]

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The Solution

July 15, 2011

Eureka! There; I said it. While everyone else is looking at pieces of the problem, I found the crux. Therein, I also found the solution. The only catch is that our leaders have not the intelligence, inclination or interest in fixing it.

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Imagination At Work

April 1, 2011

I pay more taxes than General Electric. You pay more taxes than General Electric. Technically, they pay more, just not to the United States Government. For some reason, though the bulk of their business income comes from this country, they always seem to lose money here and make tremendous profits overseas. Why didn’t TurboTax do […]

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What Hath BP Wrought?

May 24, 2010

They call it an accident. Either my dictionary is seriously out of date, or they have redefined the word. Despite the attempts to control the flow of information, more keeps leaking out. My apologies for the puns but, in such a dire situation, humor eases the anxiety somewhat. Dire? Yes. First, the leakage was only […]

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