
Clowns Of The Wild West

April 18, 2014

 ero? Patriot? Not exactly. Criminal? Yes. Millionaire Freeloader? Absolutely Hypocrite? The very definition of one. My grandmother taught me never to trust anyone that wears their religion or patriotism on their sleeve. Well, Cliven Bundy doesn’t always wear it on his sleeve but he does keep the American flag close at hand. He wants you […]

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Cut Everything

October 13, 2012

nake oil salesmen are no longer tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. Now they become Republican congressmen or presidential candidates. Their present-day scam is tax cuts, a miracle cure-all. Tax cuts. Oh, it sounds so good. But, is it? The seductive, siren call was injected into the recent vice presidential debate. […]

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The Solution

July 15, 2011

Eureka! There; I said it. While everyone else is looking at pieces of the problem, I found the crux. Therein, I also found the solution. The only catch is that our leaders have not the intelligence, inclination or interest in fixing it.

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What Caused The Debt?

July 12, 2011

What caused the debt? That sounds like an easy question. Could that be the problem? One would hope that our “leaders” could get their arms around a simple question. Well, apparently we never learn. The short-bus riders on The Hill are pretending to deal with what to do about the debt. It seems logical to […]

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