
Not a Good Idea

February 19, 2020

es, it’s me. And, yes, the article involves politics, economics, and even an international issue. Really? Pigs and chickens? Trust me. This is an important issue to you. And, no, it’s not about your diet.

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Switching Parties

April 29, 2009

I admit that I was caught off guard. Hearing Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, recently invoking secession came as no real surprise. Hearing that he has switched parties was truly unexpected. It was startling. Little Ricky, a true regressive ideologue, has changed from Texas Republican to, wait for it . . . socialist.

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The Costs Of Bipartisanship

April 27, 2009

Bipartisanship sounds like an admirable quality. Is it? When Obama wanted some Regressive Senators to sign on to his stimulus bill he had to make some deals. One of the deals was with Susan Collins. She thought $780 million for pandemic control was better spent on tax cuts. Obama caved in the name of bipartisanship. […]

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