
Black and White

January 6, 2021

s it really that difficult to see the difference between black and white? Today’s most telegenic event was a perfect demonstration of that difference. With all of the hours of constant coverage of the mob, did I miss all of the reporting of how different the insurrection was handled?

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Overturn America

January 3, 2021

his country is upside down. It is a corporation, not We the People. We have a choice. We can rid ourselves of the corruption of politicians that obey their owners and refuse to represent the people or we can continue the downward slide to third-world status. We can do something other than complain or just […]

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Not The People’s Favorite

February 13, 2011

There has been a joke circulating through Egypt. His advisers tell Mubarak that he needs to draft a farewell and goodbye speech to the people. Naturally, he asks where the people are going. Here I am prepared to offer the world my assessment of the situation and prospects in Egypt and I get blindsided by […]

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