
Words Fail Me

August 2, 2012

ords may fail me but seem never to have failed that master polemicist, Gore Vidal. It’s difficult to consider oneself a writer whenever one reads a titan such as he. It does, however, give one a truer perspective. In light of our relative literary strengths, I will rely for the greater part of this small […]

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Over The Top

March 9, 2012

had just turned 50 and was standing in the checkout line at some store. Among the items they were trying to give a last-minute impulse push were a few greeting cards. One of the cards seemed targeted particularly to me. It was a birthday card. It said that once you were over the hill you […]

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August 1, 2011

Ah. The good old days are returning. If you can remember The Great Depression, get ready for déjà vu. Eighty-odd, very odd, imbeciles have done more damage to this country than we can presently foresee. You thought that you lived in a democracy. If you count Pakistan, Mexico and Iraq as models of democracy, then […]

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Have A Party

March 19, 2011

Why the Tea Party? Why the absence of civility, what my mother called good manners? It is the inevitable result of our devotion to various boneheaded ideologies. It makes no difference what the ideology is. It’s time we recovered from this childhood disease of devotion to ideologies. The incompetence of our politicians for the past […]

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Not The People’s Favorite

February 13, 2011

There has been a joke circulating through Egypt. His advisers tell Mubarak that he needs to draft a farewell and goodbye speech to the people. Naturally, he asks where the people are going. Here I am prepared to offer the world my assessment of the situation and prospects in Egypt and I get blindsided by […]

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The Wrong Idea

April 15, 2010

First, let me reiterate my detestation for all ideologies and labels. To the extent that I use them in this post, it seems necessary and is for the convenience of the reader. The imminent retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens highlights the problems caused by both. Stevens is commonly referred to as the most liberal […]

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February 19, 2010

If you stay to the end of this post, you will see an offer you can’t refuse – no strings attached. My last post was about a health issue, not healthcare reform. Writing so frequently on healthcare reform and the economy has built up a tremendous reserve of frustration. I wanted to take a psychic […]

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Stop It

February 6, 2010

We need to send some senators to Guantanamo. They are far more dangerous to our country than any of the people already in residence there. I’m certain you have at least heard the name of Christopher Bond, Senator from Missouri. You, however, may be forgiven for not recognizing Martha Johnson’s name. Miss Martha was the […]

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Explain Yourself

November 11, 2009

In her gentle and succinct manner, Cheryl took me to task for my last post. To quote, “Who are you and what have you done with Crawford.” I did respond in the comment area but felt the need to explain more fully. Her objection didn’t specify one aspect, so I intend to address each of […]

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Do You Want A Democracy?

October 7, 2009

Do you REALLY want a democracy? The healthcare reform farce we see in Congress is proof positive that we do not actually enjoy a democracy in the United States. Who is to blame? You and me. Who can bring back democracy? Only you and me. How, you ask. Well, that’s what I’m here for. I […]

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