
Lie To Me

July 30, 2010

Believe. Regardless of what the facts are, believe. Have you heard about the Democratic tax increase? Or, maybe they called it the Obama tax increase. What, exactly, are they talking about? They are talking about George W. Bush’s tax increase. Bush’s? How can that be?

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Take My Hand

November 3, 2009

Please don’t be offended by the graphic. I am just offering to lead you through a little bit of a jungle where even the self-proclaimed Tarzans are lost. There are many others out there that insist you put your trust in them. They are dangerous in their hubris. They are either economists or other putative […]

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The Dow-Jones Illusion

March 3, 2009

All bubbles will burst but debt will remain. People are prone to believing the illusion that the Dow-Jones numbers are a measure of wealth. Were you wealthy when the Dow was over 14,000? Has your wealth vanished? No and no. Your wealth hasn’t changed. Only the illusion that you were wealthy has disappeared.

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You Don’t Know Me.

February 28, 2009

If you were the one who read my post entitled Upside Down, you may have noticed a commenter who shares my aversion to brevity. I mentioned that I had no intention of prolonging the discussion but he wrote back anyway. I was impressed by his total misjudgment of me, as well as how far off […]

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Bury Reagan

December 15, 2008

Many will consider this post sacrilegious. They are merely the deluded, the Kool-Aid drinkers. Reaganism has become a religion. Let me be the bearer of bad news. Reagan is dead. Every Republican candidate for president in the recent campaign tried to outdo his rivals in their claims to the mantle of St. Ronny. Now congressmen […]

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The Worst is Yet to Come

November 5, 2008

We’ve been sitting around stunned by the financial crisis. What to do? We don’t trust the experts, and rightly so. They lurch from one answer to another. There is little confidence that they are doing anything more than thrashing around, grasping at straws. Actually, since their starting point is their religious belief in a simplistic […]

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