chicago school

The Solution

July 15, 2011

Eureka! There; I said it. While everyone else is looking at pieces of the problem, I found the crux. Therein, I also found the solution. The only catch is that our leaders have not the intelligence, inclination or interest in fixing it.

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Better Late Than Never

August 1, 2010

Is it a miracle or just a coincidence? In my last article I made mention of David Stockman. The very next day he shows up with an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times. For any of you who either were not old enough or not interested enough to pay attention at the time, David […]

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We Never Listen

April 7, 2010

Some readers may have skipped the Classics. Some may just have memory problems associated with age. That I can identify with. Ms. Cassandra’s beauty caught the eye of Apollo. He gave her the gift of knowing the future. She spurned Mr. Apollo, so he cursed her. Her predictions were to be ignored. Obviously she is […]

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Save US

January 23, 2010

Why are we being punished for being good? Have we weathered the economic meltdown? Have we survived? How are you doing? Is it over? Unemployment continues to rise. Foreclosures continue to increase. Foreclosure rates are expected to increase. Small- and medium-size businesses still can’t borrow to expand or even purchase inventory. The Wall Street casinos […]

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