
Does It Matter?

August 18, 2021

t seems impossible to avoid seeing heartrending stories of Afghanis who worked for us and their families desperately seeking a safe haven. If they pull off a miracle of getting to Kabul through territory controlled by the Taliban, they face a Kafkaesque American bureaucratic barrier. Actually, two.

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August 22, 2011

Once upon a time we had a president that knew how to lead. Admittedly, he sometimes accomplished it by dragging congressmen by their nose. Next we had a paranoid psychotic who thought he was a leader. Strangely, the public largely bought into his delusion. Come the presidential election of 1976 and the people were weary […]

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Mourning For America

August 10, 2009

America is the greatest country in the world. I grew up hearing that and I used to believe it. I still hear people saying it. Is it true? What did people mean when they made that claim? What does it mean now? Are people now just saying it out of habit? What criteria are they […]

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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

July 20, 2009

We, as an electorate, apparently are not as astute as we would like to think when it comes to recognizing intelligence, or its polar opposite. The single-digit IQ of someone such as Senator Sessions is probably too obvious to warrant much more than a passing mention. Perhaps worth an extra moment’s attention is how ill-advised […]

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He Should Know Better

April 22, 2009

President Obama should know better. I am certain that he does know better. Did he forget that he was a professor of Constitutional Law? Did he forget the proper relationship of the Department of Justice to the Oval Office? The President has his own legal counsel just down the hallway in the West Wing. The […]

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