
Public Enemy

August 4, 2010

I have often wondered if the FBI and the Keystone Cops share the same parentage. I will explain my lack of regard for this august body in just a bit. The FBI was brought to mind by an article I read. It reported that Wikipedia had been threatened if they did not discontinue displaying the […]

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Better Late Than Never

August 1, 2010

Is it a miracle or just a coincidence? In my last article I made mention of David Stockman. The very next day he shows up with an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times. For any of you who either were not old enough or not interested enough to pay attention at the time, David […]

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Lie To Me

July 30, 2010

Believe. Regardless of what the facts are, believe. Have you heard about the Democratic tax increase? Or, maybe they called it the Obama tax increase. What, exactly, are they talking about? They are talking about George W. Bush’s tax increase. Bush’s? How can that be?

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How To Succeed In The Army

December 3, 2009

Just what are the criteria for promotion in the Army? We have been hearing the name of General Stanley McChrystal a lot of late. He is a Four-Star General in charge of NATO forces in Afghanistan. Now does his name ring a bell? We have heard about his recommendation for an additional 40,000 troops. Seemingly […]

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Quack, Quack

November 16, 2009

You have been sold down the river. So have we all. We need to differentiate between healthcare reform and tinkering with health insurance. Yes, there is a difference. The entire burlesque these past few months has revolved around the tinkering. A handful of congressmen offered HR 676, Medicare-For-All. That represents reform. All of the rest […]

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How Lucky Can We Get?

February 27, 2009

Someone asked me a question this morning in the locker room of the YMCA. As I was responding, someone else chimed in that the cause of all of our economic problems was that FDR had abandoned the gold standard. I tried to come up with as humorous a retort as I could that early. It […]

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Missing in Action

November 11, 2008

Strange Bedfellows. A major battle has been going on and we didn’t even realize it. And coming to the rescue is that card-carrying member of the opposition: Bloomberg News. Who woulda thunk it? Bloomberg News has filed both a request under the Freedom Of Information Act and a lawsuit against the Federal Reserve. The issue […]

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The Worst is Yet to Come

November 5, 2008

We’ve been sitting around stunned by the financial crisis. What to do? We don’t trust the experts, and rightly so. They lurch from one answer to another. There is little confidence that they are doing anything more than thrashing around, grasping at straws. Actually, since their starting point is their religious belief in a simplistic […]

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Tinkle-Down Economics

October 17, 2008

Being laid up with bronchitis isn’t pleasant. Thousands of thoughts race through my mind. Although I haven’t fully recovered, I just couldn’t wait. The absurdity of our present situation is so obvious. The lack of understanding of why it happened is not. The only thing that has relieved my misery has been laughing at the […]

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Victory? Maybe, Maybe Not.

September 30, 2008

This may be a situation where even the winners are losers. There were plenty of losers, however. The House Republicans that voted against the bill did so for the wrong reasons. But, you take what you can get. This bill was far from what was needed. It deserved to lose. It was the result of […]

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