
Worry Not

July 14, 2011

Yes, I’m back from vacation. I know. You didn’t even realize I was gone. Well, it wasn’t really a vacation. It was 9 days at Fall Creek Falls State Park with about 70 of my wife’s relatives. No it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Actually there is a little good came about while I […]

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Blackboard Bungle

March 13, 2010

This is a subject that I wanted to post on but found someone who has already done it in a much more entertaining manner. Bill Maher periodically offers his “New Rules.” I have provided this one unedited for your edification. A school board in Rhode Island just fired all of the teachers at a school […]

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Writing A Book

August 28, 2009

I made a gross misjudgment. And, I failed to learn from it. No, though acknowledgment of it may be rare, making mistakes and not learning from them are not necessarily rare occurrences for me. I know you’re shocked but it is true. When I began to consider writing my first book it seemed an easy […]

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