
An Alternative?

February 23, 2020

f the Democrats blow it again, the damage Trump, unleashed by the Republican Senate, can do is truly beyond our worst nightmares. The sane part of the electorate will merely try to deal with this loose cannon with a castrated Constitution. It will be like going to an AK-47 fight with BB gun.

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Moderate or Progressive

February 15, 2020

e are constantly bombarded with analyses of the race for the Democratic nomination. It all seems to fall short. Who has the better chance?  A moderate? A progressive? Who knows? As everyone else, I have an opinion — shocking, I know.

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Little Big Man

February 13, 2020

t was already a different presidential campaign. It appeared to be simplifying itself due to the 73 Democrats that dropped out. We were preparing ourselves for a manageable slate of candidates. Then another ego jumped in. Though all are younger than I, several are long in the tooth.

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The Sequel?

August 13, 2019

he Great Recession could have been much worse. No one involved deserves any credit for it not being much worse. Simply put, the problem with recessions and depressions is not enough money flowing through the economy. During the Great Depression they instituted Social Security, unemployment insurance and other measures that put a floor under our […]

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