
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

July 28, 2011

It’s about time someone got serious. It obviously isn’t going to be anyone inside the Beltway. The politicians consider their careers and their juvenile ideologies more important than the well-being of the nation and its people. Why are we not blanketing this country with recall petitions. Why are we not exhibiting a similar, reciprocal disdain […]

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Invisible Handjob

April 19, 2011

Please don’t jump to the conclusion that I am a socialist based on this article. Socialism has at least as many problems and inanities as capitalism. Also, it is not the only alternative. Besides, I detest all ideologies. All that I ask is that you not insult me by associating me with any of them. […]

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Big Is Big

September 8, 2010

ome people are reticent to fully accept the need for big government. That is understandable. Americans have been force-fed a diet of propaganda for small government for generations. That message was ramped up in the Goldwater campaign. Other than retaining a presence in our psyche, it just hibernated there until the advent of St. Ronny. […]

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We Never Listen

April 7, 2010

Some readers may have skipped the Classics. Some may just have memory problems associated with age. That I can identify with. Ms. Cassandra’s beauty caught the eye of Apollo. He gave her the gift of knowing the future. She spurned Mr. Apollo, so he cursed her. Her predictions were to be ignored. Obviously she is […]

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