
I Know Nothing

November 21, 2011

There are some things that everyone knows but many refuse to admit. Then there are the cretins that have a critical gene missing that would allow them to absorb truth. Fox doesn’t just make the occasional error. Their coverage on every subject, even those that might be considered non-political, is riddled with what might be […]

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Odds And Ends

March 11, 2009

There are so many issues on which to comment that I can’t keep up. Each one deserves at least a book, as an antidote to all of the nonsense clogging up the airwaves, cable, the Internet and the dead tree media. Note: I have a special video treat for everyone staying to the end of […]

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What’s Good for General Motors

December 12, 2008

I‘ve heard all of the arguments for the Big 3 going the bankruptcy route. They seem to be ignoring a few facts. First, let’s ignore all of those to whom ideological purity is more important than the economic health of the country. Our economic health has a direct effect on our national security, our perceived […]

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