
Super Lies

October 31, 2011

Being born above my dad’s grocery store and being immersed in the grocery business, Summers and weekends, for many years, I thought I knew a few of its tricks. I’m now finding out how little I knew. Admittedly, I have not had much recent connection with the industry, as my father retired about 25 years […]

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Learn Me Too

September 21, 2010

Who is the handsome guy in the picture? The frame is taken from the movie Blackboard Jungle. The credits give the name of Jameel Farrah. Later, he changed his name. Does Jamie Farr ring a bell? Would he be more recognizable in a dress? Don’t you remember Corporal Klinger? Interestingly, though still off the point, […]

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Quack, Quack

November 16, 2009

You have been sold down the river. So have we all. We need to differentiate between healthcare reform and tinkering with health insurance. Yes, there is a difference. The entire burlesque these past few months has revolved around the tinkering. A handful of congressmen offered HR 676, Medicare-For-All. That represents reform. All of the rest […]

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One Possible Scenario

October 5, 2009

This is not a prediction. It is only what I see as an optimistic scenario. What’s going to happen with healthcare reform in Congress? Your guess is as good as mine. Because there is no leadership, no one knows what the outcome will be. We do know a few things, however. Since it was given […]

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July 15, 2009

Guess what the most important issue in Washington is. Healthcare reform? Wrong. I just saw a news bulletin. The House Democrats have produced HR II, their 1,018 page version of healthcare reform. Well, now, not exactly. So, what, exactly?

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Prostituting Justice

June 15, 2009

They are arguing the inarguable. The Regressives in Washington are arguing an issue that should have been settled during the Truman Administration. Had we instituted a national healthcare system based on a single-payer, we would now be without a national debt. This would be true even if all the wasteful spending on the military and […]

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