
An Act of Error

October 18, 2012

veryone knows what terrorism is, right? Obviously not. I watched a couple of news shows. One has an interview with Senator John McCain. The following show had an interview with another Republican. Both are criticizing the president, subsequent to the second debate. Both are referring to the killings in Libya as acts of terrorism. Both […]

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Not The People’s Favorite

February 13, 2011

There has been a joke circulating through Egypt. His advisers tell Mubarak that he needs to draft a farewell and goodbye speech to the people. Naturally, he asks where the people are going. Here I am prepared to offer the world my assessment of the situation and prospects in Egypt and I get blindsided by […]

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Lie To Me

July 30, 2010

Believe. Regardless of what the facts are, believe. Have you heard about the Democratic tax increase? Or, maybe they called it the Obama tax increase. What, exactly, are they talking about? They are talking about George W. Bush’s tax increase. Bush’s? How can that be?

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The Jet Sat

April 30, 2010

There was some interest in the recent volcanic activity in Iceland. Don’t worry. I have no intention of showing off my ability to type its name just to twist your tongue. My own interest was also sparked. I used to work for Delta Air Lines, back in the dark ages before deregulation. It was constantly […]

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Responding to the Financial 9-11

September 22, 2008

Did we learn anything from 9-11? Apparently not. Here we are in a financial 9-11 and everyone in Washington is reacting the same way. Is it possible that future candidates will wish they had refused to join the herd? Will they say that they voted for it but now are against it? All of a […]

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