
Legal Scholar?

September 6, 2018

rett is a legal scholar and expert on a Constitution that appears unrelated to the one handed down by the Founding Fathers. I can think of only one other nominee as poorly qualified for the Supreme Court as Brett Kavanaugh. That would be Harriet Miers.

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Not Again

September 3, 2018

ith only one year of law school, I didn’t get to take the class that teaches lawyers how to ignore the Constitution and the law.

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Zero Tolerance For Those With Zero Intelligence

June 20, 2018

ure, there are a few things, racism, bullying and such where zero tolerance is appropriate. But, it should be obvious that those areas all concern not mistreating others.

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Gun Crazy

June 15, 2016

et’s call them what they actually are, not what they call themselves. They call themselves patriots but hate the government and most of their fellow Americans. They claim allegiance to the Constitution but misread the 2nd Amendment and oppose much of the rest. They want to take back their country from the rest of us. […]

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The Village Idiot Of Washington

June 27, 2015

hronic anger and senility are not an attractive mix. The body politic is burdened with the embarrassment of this robed buffoon. This is a sociopath that judges, based on a rabid, an abject devotion to a ridiculous ideology that is a substitute for thinking. Nay, he considers it actual thinking. This intellectually deficient clown is often […]

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Will Holder Act on the Logan Act?

March 16, 2015

hen federal law is violated, it is the responsibility of the  Attorney General to indict those violating the law. That seems simple enough. There should be no question. But, will Eric Holder indict the 47 senators scofflaws that, in their contempt for the Constitution, the law, the president and the nation, arrogantly demonstrated their ignorance […]

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What You Did

July 28, 2014

ust when you think the Supreme Court of Wall Street has set the conservative ideology bar as low as it can go, they return for an encore. While the rabid fundamentalist Christians are celebrating their victory over their black nemesis, Obama, they unwittingly handed their bogeyman a Christmas whoops . . . Happy Holidays present […]

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Seth Rogan Is Right

July 5, 2014

eth called the Hobby Lobby people and those supporting them assholes. I would have been somewhat more nuanced than Seth. I see them as ignorant, pretentious assholes. The conservative “brain bust trust” on the Supreme Court of Wall Street will need to add several like-minded noggins to the mix to reach the double-digit range for […]

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How To Kill For Money

June 3, 2014

es. You too can become a mass murderer. Some self-chosen few are even making obscene amounts of money doing it. How many people is it possible to kill? Why stop at people? Yes. You can help exterminate the entire human race. We can even throw in several thousands of species of fauna. How about even […]

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They Shoot People, Don’t They?

April 19, 2014

he patsies of the gun manufacturers, largely superposable with the members of the National Rifle Association (NRA), have substituted firearms for their genitalia and gun lobbyists’ cant for thinking. They consider their right to their manufactured machismo more important than the lives of tens of thousands of men, women and kindergarteners. They are too intellectually […]

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