Bunker Boy

June 10, 2020

in Economics,Health,Mental Illness,Politics

This is what he means by great? What shall I begin with? The economy? The virus? The gassing of American citizens exercising their 1st Amendment rights? The clownish behavior? The Stupidity? The ego? The lack of familiarity with the Constitution? The love and envy of dictators? The laziness (except for his thumbs)? The spurring of violence? The dregs of society nominated for responsible positions? Does AT&T’s fiber optics provide sufficient bandwidth to list the entirety of his malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance? Oops! How could I forget his adroit ability to handle a Bible; actually, I’m guessing that would extend to any book.

Let’s start with a statistic that I ran across this morning. South Korea and the United States both experienced their first death from Covid-19 on the same day, the 20th of January of this year. How’s it gone since then? Well, here in the good ole US of A, it reached 15 but was supposed to disappear shortly thereafter. Today the death toll here is 114,647. Under our Great Leader, it was a great day for his leadership, according to his brag press conference. South Korea just can’t keep up with us. To date, they have only lost 276 to the virus.  As he always tells us, Dr. Clorox knows more about virii than the other doctors.

We lead the world. Those making an effort to keep up with us are trying heroically and making progress but the dictators of Brazil and Russia just aren’t as smart as little Bunker Boy. His Mini Me, the similarly shaped baby dictator of North Korea is uncharacteristically quiet about his accomplishments in this arena.

The Bunker Boy has always had a way with words, though it’s not always obvious to which language group they belong. I’m placing my money on baby babble. He is fond of bragging about the degree from Wharton that daddy bought him. Too bad the diploma didn’t include an education. Despite the difficulty he has with speaking and tweeting something coherent on his own, he has ignored the grave to put words in the mouth of the murdered George Floyd. I’m not convinced he’s up there smiling down at how great the economy is doing.


He finally got his wall. It isn’t limited to the southern border. It extends completely around the White House. Bill Barr, his personal attorney even arranged for 600 Border Patrol agents to supplement the 82nd Airborne to help provide security for Our Dear Leader. Once again, General Bone Spur knows more about the military than any of the other generals. Why is the Republican party burdened with so many chicken hawks?

People who are superior in this or that particular area, whether it be sports, academics, artistic talent or something else, have no need to brag about themselves or try to put others down to make themselves look better. Those who feel the need to brag or disparage others are seriously sociopathic. They need help not other pathetic panderers reinforcing their illness.

People of that ilk see those not as special as they as being dispensable. How can they support the concept that it’s alright for a talented artist or athlete to live but someone not similarly gifted has no particular right to live or even to express themselves? Because the former can entertain them or because they can be seen as proof of their prejudices.

Whatever their station in life, those not appropriately blessed feel pain, they love and are loved (while not necessarily true of some of these sociopaths), they need food and shelter. They need to breathe. Also, they might very well be what we have started labeling as necessary workers.

This country is composed of all of us. It cannot pretend to be a great country if it cares not for some of its constituents. It cannot be great unless it cares for the least of these, our brethren.

[Stepping down from his pulpit soapbox.]

If you found this educational, edifying, interesting or otherwise worth your time, this geezer would appreciate a little supplement to those Social Security checks, They forgot to factor in the cost of publishing a blog.

Many thanks,

Crawford Harris.


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