
Looking In the Wrong Direction

May 8, 2016

oving, a few necessary trips and scheduling a few more joint replacements, added to trying to do sufficient research for the books I’m working on, don’t leave much time for this blog. You likely aren’t too disappointed on the occasions I find a substitute to expound on an important issue. Here’s another such time. This […]

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Trump Is Unfathomably Ignorant

May 7, 2016

rump, despite his braggadocio, is not a successful businessman. He has mastered the media. That is not the same. He is simply a showman whose taste runs to the gaudy and whose social skills are more appropriate to the sandbox. Denizens of Wall Street estimate that his personal wealth would have been just as high […]

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The Reagan Voodoo Legacy

March 21, 2015

irst, a few warnings. This article is on economics, the justly termed ‘dismal science.’ True, it’s not all that entertaining but it is worthwhile. It is my longest post ever, 4 to 5 times as long as usual. Still, it merits everyone’s attention. Lastly, I didn’t write it. Aaah. My apologies. It is a cut-and-paste […]

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Fool Them Twice

January 15, 2011

One of my great grandfathers was the last surviving veteran of the Civil War from Tennessee. William Nelson Morgan was known to everyone as Uncle Bill. He survived 2 days beyond his 105th birthday. I was 9 years old at the time. The lieutenant governor came to his funeral. Others waved what they thought was […]

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Left Out

January 4, 2011

I have been so otherwise engaged these past few weeks that much of my usual reading has been thrown in a pile. I watched an interview this morning with Chrystia Freeland. It concerned her newest article in The Atlantic. I will get to it. That is one of the magazines in my pile. According to […]

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Take My Hand

November 3, 2009

Please don’t be offended by the graphic. I am just offering to lead you through a little bit of a jungle where even the self-proclaimed Tarzans are lost. There are many others out there that insist you put your trust in them. They are dangerous in their hubris. They are either economists or other putative […]

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