
Which Way?

February 10, 2010

Today, speaking of the bonuses, Obama says, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.” Not that long ago he was calling those bonuses obscene and shameful. Which is it? Larry Summers was in full support of anything that the Wall Street casinos […]

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Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

March 16, 2009

Actually, hope is a good thing. It’s good psychologically. It’s even good for the economy. It’s just that a systemic, global meltdown isn’t ready to disappear quite so quickly. It has been said that expectations are the largest factor in determining the ups and downs of the economy. A little hope is giving us the […]

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Decisions, Decisions

February 23, 2009

Actually, we don’t have a choice to make. It has been made for us and was never in question. We are going to save the bankers. Why? Because the bankers in government think exactly like the bankers, their friends, who are not in government. They all consider themselves and our banking system to be indispensable. […]

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