
Supreme Liars

May 6, 2022

Forcing your unwanted desires upon women is called rape. ost of you likely think you are citizens of the United States. I apologize but it’s necessary for me to disabuse you of that mistake. Less than one percent of the population qualify as citizens. The rest of us, the rabble, are mere subjects. There is […]

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Do You Even Care

March 16, 2021

Back in 1972 Fram oil filters ran an ad campaign. A mechanic sticks his head out from under a car and says: “You can pay me now or pay me later.” He was right. If you put off a problem, you will usually end up paying far more than if you address it now.

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Of, By and For

October 21, 2020

hat does skulduggery mean to you? One dictionary has it as dishonest, underhanded behavior. To what does of, by and for refer to for you? If you say that it references the Constitution; if you say that it means that this country, our government was created of, by and for the people, you are an […]

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Enough Already

September 29, 2016

  emember, it would be difficult to find many people that detest both Hillary and Donald more than do I. In addition to my disdain, I am desperately concerned for the future of this country, indeed the entire planet, should the maniac get control of the Supreme Court, the economy, education, the military and access […]

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Looking In the Wrong Direction

May 8, 2016

oving, a few necessary trips and scheduling a few more joint replacements, added to trying to do sufficient research for the books I’m working on, don’t leave much time for this blog. You likely aren’t too disappointed on the occasions I find a substitute to expound on an important issue. Here’s another such time. This […]

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Boot The Freeloaders

November 11, 2014

he Republicans say the poor are not carrying their share of the load. They say they don’t pay taxes. Actually, they pay a greater percentage of their income than does Myth Romney or most of his fellow plutocrats. Most of the poor have jobs. Many have more than one job but are still poor. They […]

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August 28, 2014

have lately been deluged with requests for donations from various groups. These groups, various organizations of the Democratic Party and several devoted to specific causes, including gun control, veterans, the environment, immigrants and the similarly oriented, badger me constantly. They ask for a signature on a petition. Then comes the beg. The majority leader of […]

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God Is Hate

April 20, 2014

eally? God is hate? If you believe that these Republican leaders and their toadies are Christians, then one can draw no other conclusion. As a child I heard that people fear what they do not understand. It appears that Republicans have conflated fear with hate. It is the easiest strategy for appealing to bigots, racists, […]

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They Shoot People, Don’t They?

April 19, 2014

he patsies of the gun manufacturers, largely superposable with the members of the National Rifle Association (NRA), have substituted firearms for their genitalia and gun lobbyists’ cant for thinking. They consider their right to their manufactured machismo more important than the lives of tens of thousands of men, women and kindergarteners. They are too intellectually […]

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Some Churchill Favorites

June 29, 2012

he word for the day is paraprosdokian. A paraprosdokian is a sentence in which the latter part is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe the first part. They are usually humorous, sometimes producing an anticlimax. Some paraprosdokians not only change the meaning of an early phrase, but they […]

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