
The Extreme Court

June 26, 2022

The Supreme Liars of the Extreme Court uite simply, everyone of the members of the court that voted to overturn Roe v Wade lied. They lied to get their jobs. Every senator except Susan Collins knew they were lying. They put the job above the majority of “We the People.” Political bias was involved. Ignorance […]

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Of, By and For

October 21, 2020

hat does skulduggery mean to you? One dictionary has it as dishonest, underhanded behavior. To what does of, by and for refer to for you? If you say that it references the Constitution; if you say that it means that this country, our government was created of, by and for the people, you are an […]

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Danger, Will Robinson

May 3, 2020

anger, Will Robinson Joe Biden, America. Too many Democrats are thinking too small. If they influence Joe Biden to accept their opinion, we could lose an important result, even while Joe wins the election.

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Transparency Is Dangerous

April 17, 2016

hy would Hillary refuse to provide the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs? Because she is afraid you and me and John Q. Public would not vote for her. She is afraid it would destroy her campaign. She’s correct. Though it is being seriously devalued in this election cycle, your vote is the most […]

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