
Trump Is Unfathomably Ignorant

May 7, 2016

rump, despite his braggadocio, is not a successful businessman. He has mastered the media. That is not the same. He is simply a showman whose taste runs to the gaudy and whose social skills are more appropriate to the sandbox. Denizens of Wall Street estimate that his personal wealth would have been just as high […]

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Many Problems, One Response

July 9, 2012

s a kid (child) I often saw my grandmother cut off the head of a chicken, then let it run around for a couple of minutes before hanging it on the clothesline by its feet to drain the blood. Initially, it was funny. As I grew older, it became much less amusing. Now it is […]

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Some Churchill Favorites

June 29, 2012

he word for the day is paraprosdokian. A paraprosdokian is a sentence in which the latter part is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe the first part. They are usually humorous, sometimes producing an anticlimax. Some paraprosdokians not only change the meaning of an early phrase, but they […]

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Imagination At Work

April 1, 2011

I pay more taxes than General Electric. You pay more taxes than General Electric. Technically, they pay more, just not to the United States Government. For some reason, though the bulk of their business income comes from this country, they always seem to lose money here and make tremendous profits overseas. Why didn’t TurboTax do […]

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