north korea

The Delusions of Rebels

January 15, 2021

merica, Land of the Free Fakes. You may have heard of “Fake News.” I’ll elucidate on that somewhere below. We also must admit to fake patriots, fake Christians, fake militias, and real guns, AKA fake penises. Rabid Rudy’s appeal for a trial by combat brought to mind the above cartoon. My apologies for stealing a […]

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Listen To Me

December 4, 2010

The revelations by Wikileaks point for me to a personal nexus. Because of this, I ask you to trust me; to trust my take on this entire brouhaha. It’s easy to go with the overwhelming push by the government, the media, the powers that be. If one side is all you have ever heard, it […]

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I’m Special

November 1, 2010

Did your mommy tell you that you are special? Of course you realize she may have been biased. You cannot look anywhere without seeing the results of the behavior of people who think they are special. The guy(s) who cut you off on the freeway this morning; the student who filmed his roommate’s private encounter; […]

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